During this month of August, we celebrated our WOMEN! The mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, daughters and friends. Each of these women were born with a purpose and a plan. As an Educational Service provider, we are proud and equally honoured to be part of these women’s purposes and plans. We strive for quality education and a culture that grows a sisterhood-type-of- community. Yes, we are all in this together!
While there is much pressure placed on our women from a societal point of view to be everything to everyone, there are many who remain true to themselves and follow their dreams, whether in a personal or in a career capacity. At BTI, we loudly support your continuous growth into your independence, leadership and your need to be empowered. The celebration of Women’s Day in essence is one of FREEDOM and this is exactly where BTI was born from and the legacy that it will continue to uphold.
For several years BTI has been empowering many women with an education that fits into their lifestyle. This has completely changed the perspective on education, making it more accessible to ALL kinds of women, wherever they may find themselves on their walk of life. We went against the grain… and it worked! We have tapped into the secret of creating an educational system that works for everyone! And so, we at BTI celebrate the fact that we are able to offer this versatile learning system to the public – men included!
We are superbly proud of our past and current students who have pushed themselves daily in order to reach for their goals. Not only have many of them reached for these goals, but they have also realised their potential and furthered their studies in the industry. These dedicated students have taken our flexible modular style of learning and made it work for them and in doing so, they are giving their families and themselves the quality of life that they have envisioned and that they deserve.
To our BTI family: our staff, students and associates … we see you, we support your tenacity towards your growth and we are here to walk you through your process!