SEW Storytellers – Nosipho, Sorbet Man Sea Point
When it comes to inspiring herself, Nosipho has a beautiful mantra – “What men can do I can also do. If anyone can do it, I can do it too. Never underestimate yourself and never be too afraid to go to the second step because you might be losing opportunities. You have to want it and always be positive about yourself so someone else can also see the positive in you and bring it out.”
The lovely Nosipho is currently a salon assistant at Sorbet Man in Sea Point and recently started her mani pedi training at the Beauty Therapy Institute (BTI) in Cape Town. She hails from the Eastern Cape, moving to Upington with her family and then eventually settling in Cape Town. Coming from a family of 6, and being the second born, Nosi was very involved in helping to raise her siblings while Mom and Dad were working.
You can tell that Nosi is passionate about the Sorbet brand when she speaks. Her journey with the Sorbet community began almost a year ago when the Sorbet Man salon opened. Usually quite a shy person, the moment Nosi started working in a salon environment she began to realise this was what she wanted to do. “I love being around people, I love to interact with them and to just help people enjoy the beauty of treatments and being pampered,” she says.
About 3 years ago, Nosi approached BTI to enquire about nail training but she didn’t have the funds and there were no bursaries available at that time. “When Sorbet Empowering Women (SEW) offered me the opportunity to study mani pedi, I grabbed it with both hands because I had been interested a few years before but didn’t have the money to study,” says Nosipho.
Juggling a work and study opportunity, Nosipho attends training 2 days a week. She was nervous at first, not knowing what to expect, but now feels that everything just flows and she feels quite at home in the training environment. Nosi finds that dealing with various students as models for the practical hours helps prepare her for the reality of working with future guests in the salon. “The more you are interacting with people you don’t know, the more prepared you can be,” she adds. She loves doing manicures and is working on perfecting her massage technique.
A keen student, Nosi practises her new skills at home each day. She asks for homework and makes an effort to check with the trainer what she needs to read in preparation for the next lesson, wanting to go beyond that task. She is currently doing revision of the training completed to date, using her weekends and spending an hour or two after work in the afternoons to perfect her knowledge.
Nosipho has big hopes for the future. “I would like to grow as a nail tech. I like that there are no boundaries. One day I want to see myself owning my own salon, teaching people about skills and everything beauty related.” Nosipho hopes that her story will inspire other women to grab opportunities for growth with both hands and make good use of it.
When asked what beauty means to her, Nosi believes that every woman’s lifestyle should be beautiful and to cherish that beauty. “When a person passes by they must say wow, look at her!”
Watch out world, here comes the bright and beautiful Nosipho.
All the best ……Nashleena Sukraj